Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Waiting On Wednesday: Sometimes It Happens

This is a weekly meme hosted by Jill from Breaking the Spine. Waiting on Wednesday spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Sometimes It Happens
por Lauren Barnholdt

Simon Pulse
256 páginas
On the last day of her junior year, Hannah's boyfriend Ryan dumped her. Facing a summer of loneliness, Hannah turns to her best friend Ava for comfort. Ava does what BFFs do: she stays by Hannah's side... Until it's time for Ava to head up to Maine for the summer. Also left behind is Ava's boyfriend, Noah, who's such a great guy he gets Hannah a job at the diner he waits tables at. Slowly, Hannah comes out of her funk thanks to Noah's good conversation and their fun times at the diner.

But things get complicated when their friendship turns into attraction--and one night, into a passionate kiss. The novel opens on the first day of senior year; the day Hannah is going to see Ava, Ryan, and Noah all in one place. Over the course of the day secrets and betrayals are revealed, and alliances are broken and reformed. In the end, everyone is paired up once again, but not the way you might think.
Capas, capas, capas. Preciso falar algo ainda? Definitivamente, o que me atraiu primeiro foi a capa. Depois, claro, li a sinopse, que me pareceu interessante, talvez um pouquinho clichê... Mas desde quando me importo com clichês? De vez em quando, acabo adorando a história. Quem sabe Sometimes It Happens não acontece assim pra mim, né? Tá até no nome.


  1. Hi! Wow, this book sounds like a plot from one of Sweet Valley High's books! I love it! Hehehe. I hope you get your copy once it's released! :-)

  2. Eu também gostei da capa e quase dei add no GR (ou dei?), mas na verdade a sinopse não me atrai =/

  3. Não gosto mto de capas com pessoas assim. nem a sinopse me chamou mta atenção, mas nada de virar as costas, vai que somos surpreendidos?rs

    Andy_Mon Petit Poison

  4. É, a história parece meio clichê, mas eu quero ler do mesmo jeito! =D E a capa é muito bonita!
    Estou seguindo o blog! Adorei! \o/

    Beeijo! ;3


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